Faculty Advisors




CBI faculty research spans several disciplines and the faculty members are highly collaborative. Training faculty members are selected based on research productivity, record of graduate student training, and complementarity to the CBI program. Faculty come from the School of Medicine, School of Engineering, Life Sciences, and Physical Sciences. 



Executive Committee



Patrick Harran



Patrick Harran

CBI Program Director

Vice Chair, Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry

Heather Maynard




Heather Maynard

Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry
Trainee advisor





Feng Guo



Feng Guo

Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry; Molecular Biology Institute Trainee Advisor





Ken Houk



Ken Houk

Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry
Industrial Liaison









Todd Yeates







Todd Yeates

Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry; Molecular Biology Institute
MyIDP mentor






Faculty Mentors

Jeff Abramson

Department of Physiology

Anne Andrews

Departments of Psychiatry & Biobehavioral Sciences; Chemistry & Biochemistry

Keriann Backus

Departments of Chemistry & Biochemistry; Biological Chemistry

Catherine Clarke

Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry

Steven Clarke

Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry

Distinguished Professor

Robert Clubb

Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry; Molecular Biology Institute

David Eisenberg

Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry; Molecular Biology Institute

Juli Feigon

Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry; UCLA-DOE Institute; Molecular Biology Institute

Tomas Ganz

Departments of Medicine & Pathology; Internal Medicine & Pulmonary Medicine

Neil Garg

Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry

Distinguished Professor & Kenneth N. Trueblood Chair

Thomas Graeber

Department of Molecular & Medical Pharmacology; Crump Institute

Feng Guo

Department of Biological Chemistry; Molecular Biology Institute

Patrick Harran

Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry

D.J. & J.M. Cram Chair in Organic Chemistry

Ken Houk

Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry

Saul Winstein Distinguished Research Chair in Organic Chemistry

Jing Huang

Department of Molecular & Medical Pharmacology

Steve Jacobsen

Department of Molecular, Cell, & Developmental Biology

Carla Koehler

Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry; Molecular Biology Institute

Ohyun Kwon

Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry

Joseph Loo

Departments of Chemistry & Biochemistry; Biological Chemistry; David Geffen School of Medicine

Heather Maynard

Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry
Dr. Myung Ki Hong Professor in Polymer Science

Jennifer Murphy

Department of Molecular & Medical Pharmacology; Crump Institute

Hosea Nelson

Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry

Matteo Pellegrini

Department of Molecular, Cell, & Developmental Biology

Margot Quinlan

Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry

Caius Radu

Vice Chairman of the Department of Molecular & Medical Pharmacology

Jose Rodriguez

Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry; UCLA-DOE Institute

Ellen Sletten

Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry

Alex Spokoyny

Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry; CNSI

Yi Tang

Departments of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering; Chemistry & Biochemistry; Bioengineering
Director, NIGMS-funded Biotechnology Training in Biomedical Sciences & Engineering

Jorge Torres

Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry

Shimon Weiss

Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry; Physiology

Owen Witte

Director, UCLA Broad Stem Cell Research Center; Presidential Chair in Developmental Immunology; Department of Microbiology, Immunology and Molecular Genetics

Otto Yang

Department of Medicine-Infectious Diseases

Mireille Kamariza

Department of Bioengineering

Danielle Schmitt

Department of Biochemistry


Advisory Council

René Hubert, Ph.D.

Director, Expression & Cell Engineering, Amgen

Steven Hitchcock

Head of Research, Takeda Pharmaceuticals

Peter Senter

Vice President of Chemistry and Senior Distinguished Fellow, Seattle Genetics

Miguel Garcia-Garibay

Dean of Physical Sciences, UCLA
Professor, Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry

Gregory Payne

Professor, Biological Chemistry, UCLA
Director, Graduate programs in Bioscience
Associate Dean, Bioscience Graduate Education, David Professor, Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA
Associate Dean, Graduate Education, Life Sciences
Professor, Department of Biological Chemistry