CBI Frequently Asked Questions

Application FAQ's:


Will you accept unofficial transcripts?



Does the Proposed Research Sponsor have to be on the list of CBI faculty?

Yes.  However, the Executive Committee can admit additional Training Faculty if the person is a UCLA faculty member.  The newly proposed Training Faculty member should send a CV and note to Isabel Diaz by e-mail.


What is the role of the Proposed Research Co-Mentor/Collaborator?

The collaborator for this training grant is a co-mentor who is on the chemistry side for bio students and biology side for chemistry students.  It is someone who will be on their oral and thesis committees, etc.  It does not need to be a collaborator for research, although this is ideal. It should be someone on the CBI training faculty list.  


Is it necessary for the Proposed Research Collaborator to fill out an evaluation form for the trainee applicant?

No.  Letters should come from someone who knows the applicant well.


Can the evaluation forms be from someone outside of UCLA?



I’m an international student.  Can I still apply for the program?

Since CBI is funded by the National Institute of General Medical Sciences of the National Institutes of Health, you must be a U.S. citizen or permanent resident to be a NIH funded Trainee.  However, you may apply to CBI, to be an Associate.  Those who are accepted as Associates participate in CBI activities except they must be financially supported by TA and/or RA funds.


How can I apply to be a CBI Associate?

The application process is the same for Associates and Trainees.


Are MSTP students eligible to apply? 

Yes; however, the National Institute of Health limits the funding that is allowed over the entire training period.  Therefore, please clearly indicate if you are a MSTP student.